Pharma Focus Europe

Quantum Dot: The Future of Personalized Medicine

Chandan Adhikari, Chandan Adhikari is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Basic Science and Humanities at the Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, India. He was born in 1991 in West Bengal, India. He completed his B.Sc. in Chemistry from Burdwan University, India and M.Sc. from IIT Hyderabad, India. He obtained his Doctorate Degree in Chemistry from IIT Indore Under the guidance of Dr Anjan Chakraborty with a specialisation in ‘Applications of Nano-materials in Biomedical Science’ in 2017. He also worked at IACS Kolkata, India as National Post-Doctoral Fellow [2017-2018]. He has published 17 research articles and 8 Indian Patents and a few scientific newsletters in some of the world’s leading science magazines.

Certainly, we are all alike, but we are all unique. And the notion that medication would be used in a way that overlooks those disparities is as absurd as walking to a sneaker store to pick up any old pair of sneakers without first verifying the size. Personalized medicine provides an excellent chance to transform a "one size fits all" strategy to diagnostics, pharmacological therapy, and treatment into a personalised strategy. Nanotechnology advancements have enabled the development of nanomaterials devices for the enhanced diagnosis and tailored treatment of a various range of complicated disorders. Because of their superior optoelectronic capabilities, quantum dots, also known as QDs, might change the advancement of personalised medicine. To reach the broad audience, the uses of quantum dots for personalised medicine have been explained in a straightforward manner in this article.

Cancer is amongst the most significant health hazards around the globe. Individualized chemotherapy offers promise for the forthcoming cancer therapy in clinical practice, with each patient receiving tailored medication based on essential biological aspects of a specific tumor. One of the most pressing issues is the development of innovative ways for personalized oncology that combine growing molecular knowledge into the analysis of cancer biological characteristics. Certainly, we are all alike, but we are all unique. And the notion that medication would be used in a way that overlooks those disparities is as absurd as walking to a sneaker store to pick up any old pair of sneakers without first verifying the size. Personalized medicine provides an excellent chance to transform a "one size fits all" strategy to diagnostics. In simple terms, personalized therapy refers specifically to the administration of medicines that are most fitted to a person.

Nanotechnology, as a developing discipline, has the ability to revolutionize health as well as numerous other fields like fabrics, telecommunications, and energy generation. Because of the material properties, nanomaterials, the usage of nano-sized molecules, offers unique qualities such as self-assembly stability, biocompatibility, specificity, and drug encapsulation. One of the most important materials for narrowing the barrier among nanomaterials and pharmacological testing is quantum dots (QDs). Although QDs are being created for a variety of purposes (e.g., illness diagnosis, individual protein monitoring, drug administration, internalization and treatment), it appears that their utilization is still in its initial phases. Because of its size and characteristics, QDs are widely used in therapeutic applications. Furthermore, due to their outstanding characteristics, such as physical, optoelectronic, and exciting electrochemical characteristics, QDs are used in a variety of other applications, which include diagnosis and treatment, bio-imaging, tissue engineering, cancer treatment, photo-thermal therapy, biomedicine, biowarfare prevention, and, most notably, drug delivery.

In past years, scientists have shown a focus on the invention of nano-theragnostic systems, notably those depending on quantum dots (QDs) for multimodal sensing, imaging, and treatment. The main advantage of using QDs is the ability to achieve great accuracy in manipulating the electrical characteristics of the material by adjusting the crystal size. Modern medicine is an essential component of human society. A wealth of clinical understanding gathered over centuries of analysis and exploration, sophisticated testing techniques enabled by the technology advancement, and creative biomedical research conducted at the cellular and molecular levels provide a useful gun against well almost any risk to public health. The major causes for poor success in battling some of the diseases like cancerare difficult to define, since they may range from a lack of knowledge of pathophysiology to a lack of proper diagnostic procedures capable of tackling the intricacy of these diseases. Yet another probable problem is that oversimplified screening and therapeutic strategies based on pinpointing and attacking clinical signs (frequently with constrained info about the actual reason) are inefficient in dealing with the high genetic and genetic variations of cancer and immune response disorders.

The capacity to accurately diagnose a disease by its "molecular fingerprint" (i.e. a sequence of biomarkers expression), connect the pattern with probable disease development, and assign a therapy that targets sick cells with the recognized fingerprint is the foundation of personalized medicine. This is not an easy process since many sick cells resemble healthy cells (particularly in the case of cancer), and testing for a wide array of biomarkers is necessary. Certain illnesses may have one or a few biomarkers that are precise enough for unique identification, but identifying these biomarkers de novo using low-throughput traditional methodologies is like hunting for a needle in a haystack. Through multiplexed detection, QDs enable multi-parameter biomarker screening on intact specimens.Because of its distinctive optical features, quantum dot-based nanotechnology has been utilized in a wide range of appealing biomedical uses such as cancer detection, monitoring, etiology, therapy, molecular pathology, and heterogeneity in conjunction with cancer biomarkers. The medical evaluation of quantum dot nanotechnology in personalized cancer treatment, including topics such as personalized cancer detection using in vitro and in vivo molecular imaging techniques, as well as an in-depth comprehension of tumor biological behaviors from a nanobiotechnology standpoint must be well understood. Furthermore, the key hurdles in transferring quantum dot-based nanotechnology into therapeutic applications are explored, as are possible future approaches in customized cancer.

A growing amount of solid evidence studies, as well as increasingly applicable and therapeutically useful QD-based technologies, are arising in a range of domains ranging from ex vivo DNA profiling of single cells to in vivo diagnosis and image-guided treatment. However, there are still a lot of obstacles to overcome before QD technology may be used in biological applications. A growing number of concrete evidence studies are currently investigating a wide variety of potential QD uses. A forthcoming leap toward clinical-ready technologies, as well as large-scale "evaluation" of QD tools and technological training staff, should raise interest in QD-based techniques, boost acquaintance and hands-on professional experience with QD probes, and create trust in this new tech inside of science and clinical societies. Standardization of QD-based tests will be one of the first steps towards the aim, allowing data collected from different institutes to be consistent and enabling large-scale clinical investigations.More attention is being paid to the effects of QDs on both human health and the ecosystem. Because of the uniqueness of nanotechnology, little data on these consequences is currently accessible. The short- and protracted cytotoxicity and immunology of nanomaterials, as well as the disposal of nanoparticle-containing waste, are highly disputed areas of study that require extensive exploration to assure the viability of QD technique in medical care. As the potential advantages of QD technology are restricted by potential side effects, the development of biocompatible and non-toxic QD probes has been an important topic of study. One approach to dealing with heavy metal toxicity is to use QD probes constructed of non-toxic materials.

Furthermore, using recently established technology for the fabrication of water soluble QDs composed of silicon, an inert, safe, and plentiful material, engineers might create low-cost, non-toxic, and possibly disposable in vivo imaging probes. As a result, increasing the biocompatibility of potentially hazardous QD probes remains a viable and attractive option, with the removal or reduction of cadmium contact with living cells appearing to be the cornerstone of such a strategy. There are various viable options for reaching this aim. Cadmium poisoning is hazardous because of the rapid release of significant quantities of these metals into the circulation, its preferred accumulation in the kidneys, and subsequent renal toxicity.

The development of individualized therapeutics is critical for success in battling complicated diseases like cancer and immune system disorders, and the introduction of innovative QD-based techniques will definitely play a significant part in this process. QDs have already been transformed into multifunctional nanodevices appropriate for in vitro and in vivo applications through the development of small, durable, and biodegradable coverings complexed with targeting molecules. Although some difficulties and worries about QD inclusion into medical care continue to stay, and a pretty hopeful mindset toward QD-based techniques reigns supreme in the scientific group, the advantages of this model will ensure an increase in interest in QDs as far more pragmatic and medically significant implementations are proved and thorough toxicology data is made accessible. Image-guided operation, disease genetic fingerprinting, and individualized diagnosis and treatment will become more commonly available as the design and engineering of biocompatible QD probes improves.Personalized medication is gaining acceptance and is likely to become a standard feature of medical practice over the next decade. However, not every therapy, including cancer therapies, must be individualized. In the case of cancer, it is critical to match the appropriate therapy to the appropriate form of cancer while also taking into account the patient's unique traits. The therapies would be designed to improve effectiveness while decreasing toxicity. One of the key areas of use for nanobiotechnologies as they improve is cancer diagnostics and medicine delivery. As downsizing becomes more prevalent in medical practice, it is possible to employ molecular techniques to create a microscopic machine that can be put into the body, discover and recognize cancerous cells, and eventually eliminate them. The gadget would include a nano-biosensor for detecting cancer cells as well as a source of chemotherapeutic material that could be given using nanotechnology-based techniques when cancer cells are detected. A tiny processor might be integrated to program and integrate the combination of diagnostic and therapy, as well as providing the option for an outside source to track the in vivo processes. Because there is no common chemotherapeutic agent, the computer software might correlate the tumor type to the best effective agent.

It is too late by the time cancer manifests clinical indications and is detected. The ideal situation might be to fight cancer before it manifests clinically. A nanodevice, as envisioned, might be placed as a preventative step in those who do not have visible signs of cancer. It would be free to circulate and might identify and cure cancer at an early stage. If the lesion detected is not cancer, the gadget might be modified by remote control, allowing for a change in strategy. The viability of such a system must be demonstrated before it is implanted in healthy people, although such gadgets would be suitable in future improvements in preventative medicine. This would be the pinnacle of individualized cancer care. Early discovery would boost the likelihood of a cure.

Chandan Adhikari

Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Science and Humanities, IEM Kolkata

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